Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The Race for Rights

While Pride 2021 comes to an end and the world prepares for the biggest global sports competition, the Olympics, the battle for our trans family rages on. In the last few months, laws banning trans kids and adults from playing athletics has crashed over the nation like a phobic tidal wave, though the epicenter of its genesis has yet to be found. In spite of the lack of scientific evidence supporting these widely accepted beliefs, the residue of an anti-science, anti-LGBT+, anti-common sense presidential administration dusts the shoulders of state lawmakers and they have waged a war on the contents of trans people’s pants.

On the heels of a disastrous year filled with death, racism, a tumultuous and stressful election, and a wavering economy came the surge of conservative lawmakers taking on the battle of trans children in school sports. Following suit came policies aimed at college levels and even some challenges to the Olympic policies in place. As it currently stands, eight states including South Dakota, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Montana, Alabama, and Florida have passed some version of a trans athlete ban in answer to a question that hadn’t even been asked. Many of these states have little to no record of trans athletes attempting to play school sports with their identified genders; there was no big bang moment, no looming threat, no catalyst that moved their hands in signing these bills. More than likely, as is the way of most politicians, it was a distraction to divert attention from other issues, say perhaps unfettered mass shootings, failed attempts to challenge the election and overthrowing Congress, abuses against black and latinx people alike, but this distraction is unbelievably detrimental to the trans community, and steeped in lies.

The LGBT+ community historically has grappled with higher levels of mental illness and suicidal ideation, and the trans community makes up a much larger portion, with nearly 10 times the rate (approximately 41%) of suicide attempts of non-trans individuals. Twenty to 30% of the LGBT+ community abuses substances as a form of self-medication compared to 9% of non-LGBT+ individuals, and nearly half the trans population struggles with depression. While all these issues may stem from different root causes for each individual, one could easily argue that these roots intertwine to form the web of societal failings: lack of support from family, friends, and their community, religious ostracization, lack of access to proper care, overall exclusion, hate crimes, etc. In short, every moment of a trans’ person’s life where they feel different, rejected, judged, abnormal, less than, unworthy, inhuman are moments that could inevitably lead to crippling despair and even death.

It can be difficult to wrap our heads around the ignorance, the fear, the hatred that surrounds people just trying to live their own lives, but the reality of the world is that hate is parasitic and eternal. It doesn’t evolve, it doesn’t slow, it doesn’t grow smaller, it simply moves from one host to another until some superficial enlightenment forces it out of its cozy niche, then it finds a new ill-fated pariah to leech off of. We’ve jumped from races and ethnic groups, economic casts, nationalities, genders, colorism, people with disabilities, sizeism, ageism, religion, and ultimately sexual orientation. While no one can argue that these groups are now free of hate, it has lessened even marginally with them over time as acceptance has grown. Unfortunately in the ebb and flow of its current, hate’s latest target happens to be trans people. And it’s hitting them hard.

Though the focus of this piece lands on athletics, the scope of the attack on trans people hasn’t narrowed to sports. Previously, laws were introduced to stop trans people from using their appropriate bathrooms. Other recent laws have been proposed to deny gender affirming treatments to trans people, including hormone blockers, hormone replacement therapy, and gender reassignment surgery. Some protective laws have been put in place to require school staff to address children by their identified names and pronouns and allow them to use appropriate restrooms and locker rooms. But even as recent this week, a school board meeting discussing trans protective policies erupted into chaos in Virginia as ignorant parents, falling victim to lies, propaganda, and disinformation fought against the well-being and safety of these children. As former state senator Dick Black said, “it is absurd and immoral for teachers to call boys girls and girls boys. You’re making teachers lie to students.” It’s ironic that individuals so concerned with telling the truth use misguiding rhetoric and bald-faced lies to push their own agendas. Cries of perversion, claims that bathrooms and locker rooms will be infiltrated by perverts who pretend to be whatever gender on a whim just to sneak a peek at innocent patrons, confused individuals who don’t know what they want and therefore shouldn’t have access to affirming procedures because they’ll just change their minds later and regret it. Even claims that allowing our children to be whomever they are is just plain child abuse. And as sensationalism goes, the bigots eat it up, regarding the science as a liberal fairy tale. And such is the case with sports.

In hasty judgments that we all sometimes fall victim to, it’s easy to jump to baseless conclusions that seem common sense but really have no scientific backing. It’s easy to assume that a woman who was born a biological male would hold a sexually dimorphic advantage over their cisgender female competitors. It’s easy to worry that the playing field would no longer be level with trans women who are typically biologically stronger and faster. It’s easy, but it’s untrue. Though studies specifically on trans athletes are still fairly new by scientific standards, those that have already been conducted have consistently found that pre-pubescent trans children playing sports have absolutely no advantage, as the onset of puberty has yet to take any considerably hold on their physique or abilities. Additionally, post-pubescent and adult trans individuals who take hormone blockers/hormone replacement therapy have shown no biological advantage after one to two years of consistent treatment; instead they experienced a lessening of muscle, stamina, and bone density, placing them physically on par with cisgender female athletes and making for fair play.

The International Olympic Committee recognized these facts as presented by the scientific community and first made provisions to allow trans athletes to compete in 2004. At the time they established three requirements to ensure the status of trans athletes: 1) They must have had full gender reassignment surgeries, 2) They must be legally recognized in their country as their identified gender, and 3) They must have been under the treatment of HRTs for approximately 2 years. They revised these requirements in 2015 for many logistical reasons. Requiring healthy individuals to undergo risky surgeries proved unethical, especially when many trans and non-binary people choose to retain their biological genitalia. They also found that in many conservative countries, being legally recognized as one’s identified gender is unlikely. The requirements as they stand now is that an individual must maintain their identified gender for four years and they must be on HRTs for at least one year, with appropriately maintained testosterone levels (all restrictions apply solely to male to female transgender athletes. Female to male athletes have no limitations).

Though the adult world and some professional sports circles have adjusted and made allowances for these athletes’ existence and abilities, children and adolescents continue to fight for the right to play. The bridge between childhood sports and competing in the professional realm is all but blocked for kids who can’t play where they belong, who feel out of place and awkward. As such, they are less likely to pursue these activities that could provide them the self-esteem, the self-worth, the societal affirmation they require to avoid the statistics of mental illnesses, substance abuse, and suicide attempts that lie ahead. However school boards continue to fight to protect the delicate sensibilities of the privileged white, cisgender, heterosexual, Christian children under their charge, sacrificing the minority yet again, their lives be damned.

As a gay, biracial woman, I know firsthand the struggles that come with various degrees of minority status and intersectionality, and feel the pain of others facing the same. Sadly, I encountered many other minorities who fell into ranks in the attack on our trans family, people who undoubtedly have been victims of discrimination themselves, but saw no fault with reciprocating the hate to others. One black cisgender lesbian argued to me on a gay Facebook page that she is a professional boxer and she absolutely could not fathom having to spar with a man, therefore trans women should not be allowed in sports. Even after presenting empirical evidence, many other LGBT+ people in this thread disregarded the science and doubled down in their ignorance. It was altogether frustrating and heartbreaking that there are so many battles science can’t win, even in our own circles. As the world progresses and breakwaters slowly build to protect our various social groups, it is our responsibility to protect others who are still out in open water.

Every proposal, every bill, every law signed into place is screaming in the faces of trans people you are not right. You are not okay. You are not normal. You are not human. And you don’t deserve to be treated as such. It’s time we found our voices and screamed love even louder.

Good luck to all athletes in the Tokyo Olympics.

Special shout out to my Sports Wife, Megan Rapinoe and the rest of the USWNT team. LFG.

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